Let’s Talk: Dating & Sex
by Mandla Lupondwana
Let’s Talk Series
Dating & Sex
A Christian Guide for Youth
Author: Mandla Lupondwana
In His love, God made us male and female with all the delights of being attracted to someone and sharing our love with this special person. This He did long before sin entered the world, but over the years, because of sin, we have moved further and further away from the ideal.
Let’s Talk: Dating & Sex seeks to reveal the beauty of human sexuality and God’s intentions. It is an attempt to be proactive about the challenges youth face while speaking about sex in positive terms. Issues that are faced head-on include:
- Why talk about sex?
- Pressures from within and without
- What to do while you are single
- What the Bible says about sex
- Do I like you or do I love you?
- How to deal with sexual temptation
Written with openness, honesty and humour, Let’s Talk: Dating & Sex is a must-read for anyone who lives in the real world where following God’s ideal is rarely fashionable. It is hoped that those who read this book will be inspired and strengthened to live this ideal and reap the blessings God has in store for them!
About the Author
Mandla Lupondwana, married to Aevia, is a minister of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Cape Conference, South Africa. In 2004 he founded the Leg Management Campaign, a youth sexuality programme, as well as Together Forever, a marriage enrichment programme. In addition to counselling and writing, he conducts seminars and workshops for singles and married couples. As a husband and father he finds spending time with his family a blessing.
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-99949-938-4-0
Size: 240mm x 170mm
124 pages