111 Tips for Engaged and Newly-wed Couples
by Miguel Ángel Núnez
111 Tips for Engaged and Newly-wed Couples
Miguel Ángel Núnez
Do you desire a marriage that is God-centred, fulfilling and inspiring? Do you wish to avoid the mistakes that so often bring marriages tumbling down?
Here is a practical little book that contains an abundance of helpful advice for one of humanity's most challenging, yet rewarding, relationships, written by a counsellor who has had decades of experience advising couples who intend to marry as well as providing support to married couples who are going through a crisis.
Whether you are still planning to marry, or have been married for some time, you will find a treasure-chest of wisdom on a wide range of subjects, such as:
- how to know if this is 'The One’
- the duration of courtship
- the wedding guest list
- adapting to each other
- getting along with relatives
- working with money
- planning a family
- coping with conflict
- dealing gently with each other's emotions
- and simply, how to have fun together!
About the Author
Miguel Ángel Núnez has presented seminars about sexuality, dating and marriage for more than 15 years in over 20 different countries. He and his wife, Mery, have two children, Alexis and Mery Alin. Dr. Núñez enjoys reading, writing, listening to music and collecting sea shells. Miguel Ángel Núnez is also the author of Only the Brave Triumph.
Format: Paperback
ISBN:978- 0-9869799-1-0
Size: 210 x 140mm
Price: R120.00
Pages: 122