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The Lion Encyclopedia of The Bible

The Lion Encyclopedia of The Bible

by Pat Alexander
Regular price R 250.00

The Lion Encyclopedia of the Bible

Pat Alexander 

A concise and engaging introduction to the Bible’s story, background, and meaning. A one-stop reference guide, this Encyclopedia provides an engagingly illustrated introduction to the Bible for the junior student. Taking a chronological approach to the storyline of the Bible, the authoritative text integrates the historical, geographical, and social background of the Bible, along with overviews of the different types of writing found within its pages and how they relate to Christian beliefs. The clear layout incorporates illustrations, maps, diagrams, and call-out boxes to introduce the reader to the salient points of the Bible and its influences throughout the centuries.


ISBN: 978-0745962863

Pages: 128

Publisher: Lion Hudson

Size: 250mm x 170mm


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